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The Gamelatron in the Temple of Transition at BurningMan

Dates: August 29 - September 5, 2011
Location: Black Rocks City, Nevada USA
Description:   Synopsis  I  Pictures  |  Video  

The Gamelatron was installed in the innermost center of the Temple of Transition built by the International Arts Megacrew (IAM).

A crew of over 150 people from around the world--most based in Reno, New Zealand, British Columbia and Ireland--converged on the Black Rocks Desert in Nevada to build the 5th tallest wooden structure in the world and the tallest free standing (without a foundation) wooden structure ever recorded, according to the Guinness Book of World's Records (126ft tall).

In the central of six towers (theTower of Gratitude) of this Temple of Transition, The Gamelatron team created a monumental sound installation. We embedded 57 gongs and cymbals used in Balinese Temple ceremonies into the walls and above the six 30ft archways. Playing compositions from solitary gongs to full orchestral rites of release, the Gamelatron served as the sonic soul of the temple from sundown on Sunday, August 29th until sunrise on Sunday, September 5, when the Temple was burned in silence.

The Temple was a place of pilgrimage, of healing, joy, marriage and transcendence. The gongs served a powerful purpose in an extraordinary rite.

The Gamelatron would like to thank the International Arts Megacrew, creators of this magnificent Temple, and the many benefactors who made "The Soul of the Temple" project possible.

Photo by Kirk Peterkin

Circling the Center, a snip of the composition that played night and day in the temple

Special thanks to Bradford Smith for the recording. Download: https://gamelatron.com/music/Circling.mp3, 9:21 11meg